Category: News

Does Employee Recognition Enhance Retention? - Featured article on the Rewards and Recognition Network

WorkProud Featured in Rewards and Recognition Network

A large healthcare system that chose to remain anonymous partnered with WorkProud, an employee engagement company, to pair recognition and turnover data over a 3 ½-year period, contrasting the employee retention rate among people that received at least a minimal amount of formal recognition to employees who received no recognition. The analysis further explored turnover and recognition among the hospital nursing staff in greater detail.

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Michael Levy, CEO of WorkProud and pride evangelist, featured in International Business Times - Wage Increases Won't Get Us Out of the Great Resignation.

WorkProud Featured in International Business Times

Michael Levy, CEO of WorkProud and pride evangelist, featured in International Business Times – Wage Increases Won’t Get Us Out of the Great Resignation. The answer to the Great Resignation is far more nuanced than blanket pay rises, for frontline workers end up being worse off – it is dampening the wage increases and inspiring employees to be proud of their work again.

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Employee Engagement

Featured in Forbes: What Works—And What Doesn’t—For Building Pride In The Workplace

How Do You Inspire WorkPlace Pride Among Your Employees? According to CEO, Michael Levy in a Forbes article: “…proud employees are the result of a culture of consistent recognition. And that culture, in turn, produces satisfied customers and shareholders.” So the question of how we inspire workplace pride is critical… Read the Forbes article to learn more about this topic, and download The WorkProud Study for specific details from the research.

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Press Release

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