
As we work with customers, partners, and stakeholders, we continually discover insights that highlight the importance of unifying the employee experience and implementing a culture of engagement, recognition and workplace pride.

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The Comedy Connection: Prominent HR Leader Explores Humor's Impact on Culture with Jim Dunn, PhD, DHA, FACHE

Prominent HR Leader Explores Humor’s Impact on Culture | Webinar Replay

Humor is very rarely linked to professional topics because of its general bad rep with professionalism. But how much power does humor have? Watch this exciting webinar replay featuring an expert with over 30 years of strategic HR and leadership experience, Jim Dunn, PhD. We discuss how humor can be a game-changer in workplace culture, enhancing professional environments, and personal development.

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The ROI of Employee Engagement: How to Measure Success
Employee Engagement

The ROI of Employee Engagement: How to Measure Success

Employee engagement is one of the most powerful and needle-moving strategies that companies can undertake. Everything from worker productivity to customer satisfaction, to revenue will only grow as engagement increases. The positive outcomes of engagement programs are more than just qualitative — they’re highly measurable.

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Transactional vs. Strategic HR: How to Align Business Goals With Workforce Management
Employee Engagement

Transactional vs. Strategic HR: How to Align Business Goals With Workforce Management

It’s a good thing that technology has automated processes in the field of human resources. Now more than ever, companies have much to gain by shifting their HR mindset away from administrative duties and toward people-focused strategies. Of course, clerical HR functions are necessary for the success of an organization. But now that software is taking on the heavy lifting of admin work, HR teams are freed up to put on their strategic caps.

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View from the C-Suite: Building the Case for Investing in Employee Engagement with Stephen Chipman, Former CEO at Grant Thornton LLP
Webinars & Videos

View from the C-Suite: Building the Case for Investing in Employee Engagement | Webinar Replay

The modern workplace is changing and organizations are increasingly recognizing the critical role of employee engagement in driving success. However, gaining leadership buy-in for initiatives aimed at enhancing employee engagement can often be challenging. This webinar features Stephen Chipman, an esteemed leader who will discuss his point of view regarding effective strategies for building a compelling case to secure leadership support for your employee engagement initiatives.

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Reflecting on Meta's Decision to Shut Down Workplace
Employee Engagement

Reflecting on Meta’s Decision to Shut Down Workplace

In a surprising move, Meta Platforms Inc., also known as Facebook, announced the impending shutdown of Workplace, its business-focused communication and social app. This decision marks the beginning of a transition period for millions of users who have come to rely on Workplace as an essential tool in their professional lives.

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The Emotional Impacts of AI in the Workplace
Employee Engagement

The Emotional Impacts of AI in the Workplace

It’s inevitable that AI will restructure the global workforce, but only time will tell to what extent it could disrupt employment. Yet whether or not AI anxiety is unwarranted, the phenomenon is rampant — and it’s having a significant impact on workplace morale and emotional well-being.

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