Category: Employee Engagement

Employee Retention More Important Than Ever
Employee Engagement

With Employee Retention More Important Than Ever, Making Them Feel Valued is Key.

Not that long ago, says employee engagement expert Rick Garlick, the biggest question he faced was, “How can I better engage employees for the purpose of driving my customer satisfaction forward?” Not anymore. “That’s been replaced by the question, ‘How do I retain my employees?’” he said. “How do I retain my best talent and attract top talent when it seems it’s so hard to do these days?”

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Work Pride: 7 Employee Retention Strategies That Work
Employee Engagement

Work Pride and Employee Retention | WorkProud

Squeezed between the Great Resignation and contentious return-to-office policies, companies are putting more pressure on HR to increase employee retention rates. That’s why talent managers need to understand the underlying emotion that can make or break an employee’s tenure: workplace pride. It’s the key to a low-cost, high-impact employee retention strategies.

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WorkProud Virtual Series, The Inspired Workplace - Leading Lightly (No Matter What) with Jody Michael
Employee Engagement

Leading Lightly (No Matter What)

Jody Michael, master executive coach and best selling author, lays out a new approach for executives seeking to enhance their personal performance, emotional intelligence, leadership effectiveness, so as to create positive cultural change within their organizations.

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Sad Nurse: A Case Study
Employee Engagement

Sad Nurse: A Case Study

This hospital, like so many in America, is staffed with dedicated professionals. These nurses, doctors, technicians and support personnel come to work every day, often times with very sick patients. We have lots of healthcare heroes in our midst and the hospital in question also has extremely dedicated personnel.

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Gut Check: Are Your Employees Truly Satisfied?
Employee Engagement

Gut Check: Are Your Employees Truly Satisfied?

How do you keep your employees happy and satisfied amid the Great Resignation? More than 40% of the global workforce considered quitting their jobs in 2021. People are tired and want more work-life balance. But mostly, workers who did resign said they did not feel valued by their employer or manager, or they did not feel a sense of belonging.

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How to Build an Employee Recognition Program
Employee Engagement

How to Build an Employee Recognition Program

When employees do not feel valued, they get demotivated, dissatisfied, and disengaged. And this affects their productivity, which in turn impacts the organization’s bottom line. There is also a huge chance they will resign: two-thirds say they will likely leave their job if they do not feel appreciated.

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Employee Engagement & The Golden Rule
Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement & The Golden Rule

Organizational leaders who are looking to support employees care about employee engagement. Unmotivated staff impacts the quality of the products or services offered. This is especially true for organizations in the context of the past few years. The coronavirus pandemic affected many organizations. Many started offering remote or other flexible work arrangements for employees.

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