Category: Employee Engagement

The ROI of Employee Engagement: How to Measure Success
Employee Engagement

The ROI of Employee Engagement: How to Measure Success

Employee engagement is one of the most powerful and needle-moving strategies that companies can undertake. Everything from worker productivity to customer satisfaction, to revenue will only grow as engagement increases. The positive outcomes of engagement programs are more than just qualitative — they’re highly measurable.

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Transactional vs. Strategic HR: How to Align Business Goals With Workforce Management
Employee Engagement

Transactional vs. Strategic HR: How to Align Business Goals With Workforce Management

It’s a good thing that technology has automated processes in the field of human resources. Now more than ever, companies have much to gain by shifting their HR mindset away from administrative duties and toward people-focused strategies. Of course, clerical HR functions are necessary for the success of an organization. But now that software is taking on the heavy lifting of admin work, HR teams are freed up to put on their strategic caps.

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Reflecting on Meta's Decision to Shut Down Workplace
Employee Engagement

Reflecting on Meta’s Decision to Shut Down Workplace

In a surprising move, Meta Platforms Inc., also known as Facebook, announced the impending shutdown of Workplace, its business-focused communication and social app. This decision marks the beginning of a transition period for millions of users who have come to rely on Workplace as an essential tool in their professional lives.

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The Emotional Impacts of AI in the Workplace
Employee Engagement

The Emotional Impacts of AI in the Workplace

It’s inevitable that AI will restructure the global workforce, but only time will tell to what extent it could disrupt employment. Yet whether or not AI anxiety is unwarranted, the phenomenon is rampant — and it’s having a significant impact on workplace morale and emotional well-being.

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Michael Levy, Presents at HR Management Institute in Bonita Springs, FL.
Employee Engagement

The Evolution of Pride in the Workplace: A Journey from Anecdotes to Strategies

In a recent presentation at the HR Management Institute in Bonita Springs, FL, Michael Levy, CEO of WorkProud, shared his insights on the profound impact of pride in the workplace. Drawing from his own journey and the findings of the 2020 WorkProud Study, Levy illuminated the transformative power of instilling pride both in individual contributors and within the fabric of the company itself.

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The Power of Introverted Employees
Employee Engagement

How Companies Can Leverage the Power of Introverted Employees

As companies embrace workplace inclusivity and come to appreciate the strengths of introverts, quieter employees are in a better place to thrive in today’s professional settings. Employers can enhance their workers’ satisfaction and encourage professional growth by learning more about the introverted mind and the various management approaches that foster success for diverse individuals.

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2024 HR Strategies to Promote Work-Life Balance
Employee Engagement

2024 HR Strategies to Promote Work-Life Balance

As HR teams explore the top 2024 HR trends, work-life balance is ranking highly on every list. Now more than ever, employees are looking to more gracefully juggle their home life and professional life — and work-life strategies are proving to be key in improving both worker satisfaction and company outcomes.

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Role of People Operations in Modern HR
Employee Engagement

The Role of People Operations in Modern HR Teams

Is your company considering implementing People Operations? Even while HR teams continue to prioritize more traditional, compliance-centered duties, many are adding POPs departments or executives. These strategy-minded professionals focus on creating work environments where employees feel valued and appreciated.

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How Companies Can Connect With Gen Z Employees
Employee Engagement

How Companies Can Connect With Gen Z Employees

With Gen Z on track to make up 30% of the global workforce by 2025, the ability to engage and retain these younger employees will become crucial for long-term business success. In this article, we’ll explore what sets the generation apart from others, what motivates Gen Z in the workplace, and what they expect from employers.

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How AI is Transforming HR
Employee Engagement

How AI is Transforming Human Resources

Although the adoption of AI in HR has accelerated over the past year, it is not entirely new to the field. Chatbots, performance management tracking, and other AI solutions have been used by HR teams for several years already. A recent survey from Gartner found that 81% of human resources leaders “have explored or implemented artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to improve process efficiency within their organizations.”

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