Building a Workforce with Purpose, Loyalty, & Pride | Webinar Replay

Join Christi Gilhoi (Senior Manager, Employee Engagement | Qualcomm) and Dr. Bob Nelson (renowned author and Employee Recognition Guru) as they share their experiences changing the culture of recognition and engagement in a high-tech environment.

About the Speakers:

Christi Gilhoi
Christi Gilhoi
Senior Manager, Employee Engagement
Christi Gilhoi is Senior Manager for Employee Engagement for Qualcomm Inc., a $23B Fortune 200 corporation with over 30,000 employees based in 44 countries. In that role she is responsible for the design and execution of global employee recognition and engagement programs.
Dr. Bob Nelson
Dr. Bob Nelson
Award-winning Author and Speaker


Dr. Bob is the world’s leading authority on employee recognition, motivation and engagement. He is president of Nelson Motivation Inc., a management training and consulting company specializing in helping organizations improve management practices, programs and systems.




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