How to Be a Great Manager for Millennial Employees

There’s an epidemic taking over the workforce – and the world. It’s changing the way business is conducted and how workplaces organize and lead their teams. In only 5 short years, the world’s workforce is predicted to be made up 75% millennials. And, Generation Z, those born after the millennials up until 2010 (the oldest being about 24 years old) are also entering the scene. Each generation, including the Baby Boomers who are slowly retiring out, needs to function harmoniously.

What does this mean? It means that if businesses and managers haven’t evolved to keep up with the different demands of Millennials, then they may miss out on employment opportunities and be left in the dust come the next decade. 

What Makes a Good Manager for Millennials?

It isn’t difficult to adjust the leadership styles of your workplace to be more adherable to the Millennial generation, especially if you’re a Millennial yourself. When managing Millennials, it’s important to set goals and to communicate with your team in order to build a structure that will make each employee feel valued. 

Millennial Leadership

Supervising Millennials isn’t rocket science, however, it does take some understanding of their motivations and  investment into the right training. According to Forbes, it’s important to focus on the good qualities of a manager and avoid making costly mistakes such as assuming technology is only important to Millennials in their spare time.

Millennials require a manager who will build a healthy company culture and continue to rely on relevant motivation throughout the future of your business. More millennials than any other generation will seek out a job that offers a healthy and engaging work culture over one with a higher salary (in fact, most millennials don’t even like the idea of being on a salary).

What makes a good manager is focusing on each team member’s strengths, not their weaknesses, choosing to allow for a little freedom in the workplace instead of micromanaging, and recognizing and rewarding achievements. 

A Millennial Manager Shares How to Manage Millennials | Talent On Tap


How Can Managers Utilize an Employee Recognition Program 

Engaging Millennials in the workplace can ensure your business is successful in the long-run. Developing an Employee Recognition Program is one sure-fire way to enhance Millennials’ motivation in the workplace. Millennials need to feel valued for their work. Offer rewards and incentives that feed Millennials’ love of technology and are personalized to what your specific Millennials admire. 

Hold team-building events (we hear ax-throwing is a must) that enforce healthy communication between employees. Other great ideas are to initiate a community volunteer program. or perks such as freebies and flexible time off as recognition rewards. 

Remember, the best recognition you can give to your Millennial employee is a simple “thank you for all your hard work”.

An Employee Recognition program designed by Online Rewards program can help solve the problem of Millennials retention in the workplace by helping them to feel involved, important, and appreciated, which in turn will foster a healthy relationship between every member of the team. Reach out today to find out how we can help.

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