Category: Press Release

Press Release
Press Release

Will Going Back to the Office Build Employee Pride?

DALLAS, TEXAS — August 23, 2021 — As managers grapple with turnover, a people shortage, and deciding if they’ll reopen offices or let work from home continue, a first-of-its-kind survey provides a surprising insight: Location doesn’t matter. The WorkProud® Study “How Pride Drives Business Value for Organizations” discovered no statistically significant difference in employee pride between those working from home and those located on-site.

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Press Release
Press Release

Recognition Programs Boost Employee Engagement, WorkProud Study Shows

DALLAS, TEXAS — November 24, 2020 — WHAPPS LLC, a recognized leader in the design and development of innovative employee recognition programs, announces a new study with Gables Residential, a private apartment management organization that oversees approximately 35,000 apartment homes and more than 60 apartment communities with around 17,000 units, in addition to managing properties for third parties.

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Press Release

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