The Coronavirus outbreak has forced many companies to embrace remote working conditions head-on, allowing as many people as possible to stay productive and keep the struggling economy trudging forward.
In 2017, nearly ⅓ of US workers said they could work from home (while only 5% did, at least 23% already did some work from home). Nonetheless, while not a new concept, the near instantaneous shift so many more have experienced is a tremendous shock to work cultures and lifestyles overall.
We’ve known for years that people say workplace and schedule flexibility is one of the most important qualities in a job. So, as more of us make this shift, temporarily to permanently, here are a few actions you as an employer can take to engage with, help, and keep employees adjusted to their new working conditions:
Of course, this isn’t just about technology to connect and keep tabs. Take the initiative to reach out directly and see if you can provide office supplies and tools to address and help improve their home office needs.
Employer-to-employee and peer-to-peer communication is essential. Beyond emails and instant messaging services, keeping people in connected entertaining ways can be a solid morale boost.
Have contests where people share suggestions and photos of their home workspaces
Managing a team remotely can be difficult and the last thing you want to do is micromanage and damage their feelings of being trusted with their responsibilities. Focus on things that will galvanize and bring people together while still getting.
Make sure to schedule video conferences at least once or twice per week
As a leader in your company, your strength and organization will help and encourage employees to keep their heads up and follow suit:
Rolling out a significant new component of your employee’s everyday work lives can serve as a beacon for a positive company outlook and good things to come. Moreover, focusing on employee appreciation can make this time a lot better for everyone, maintain or even increase productivity, and cement loyalty.
While Monetary Recognition and Rewards are great, but especially in times like these, Non-Monetary Recognition will go a long way in making transitions easier and keeping employee morale high, while having minimal impact on your bank account.
Just Because Many of Us Are Working Alone, Doesn’t Mean We Are Alone
Change comes with growing pains, but the more proactive we are, the sooner we will find our new working grooves. Remember:
If you’d like to learn more about engaging remote employees using technology provided by Online Rewards, please contact us today.
Take these steps to keep your remote employees engaged: 1) Utilize technology! Make sure everyone stays connected with video conferencing and other vital cloud-based tools. 2) Don’t overstep boundaries and don’t micro-manage. 3) Align with leadership on how to set the “work-from-home” tone. 4) Don’t overlook employee recognition programs as a means to keep your remote employees engaged.
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