7 Tips for Selecting Employee Engagement & Recognition Software

7 Tips for Selecting Employee Engagement & Recognition Software

When selecting a software platform that specializes in employee engagement and recognition, you need to focus on making sure that it’s something that will actually be used by employees and become the focal point for building a new culture of consistent recognition and employee satisfaction. Technology without adoption is a waste and can create disappointment at all levels of an organization. Digital employee experience tools need to resonate with end users—in this case, your employees—so that they will, in turn, feel an increased sense of pride and deliver on the promise of increased engagement and organizational performance. 

Company leaders often have a very different perspective from their employee base. They operate in different pockets and focus areas of an organization and have varying opinions and reactions to organizational changes. While leaders may be attracted to a software solution that they truly believe answers their work engagement and employee loyalty needs, their employees are able to point out pros and cons that might not be immediately obvious to leaders. 

Employee recognition—when provided in a way that is professional and authentic—is key to staff engagement and a sense of workplace pride. An employee engagement and recognition software platform that doesn’t get used by the individuals it’s meant to influence is a missed opportunity from all sides—from employee fulfillment to bottom-line business success. Workplace pride is achieved when employees are able to experience a sense of empowerment in the workplace thanks to team engagement software that recognizes their voice and contributions.

Guiding your employee engagement software decision

7 Tips for Selecting Employee Engagement & Recognition Software

So how do you determine that a tool will be used, will be the right fit for your organizational culture, and will deliver on its promises? Here are seven tips we see as essential in selecting the right tool that empowers employees and drives success.

  1. Make sure it’s easy to use and access. There are a lot of tools out there. If one warrants being added to your existing digital ecosystem, you must make sure that it’s compatible with your existing platforms. Reducing barriers to access will increase engagement.
  2. Prioritize security and integrations. Ensuring that the tool integrates with your toolset and that it’s able to provide a secure platform that protects your organization’s and your employees’ data and access. 
  3. Aim to impress. Design matters. While functionality is still a top priority, a platform that looks sleek and modern will go a long way with employees feeling that recognition from it matters.
  4. Get employee feedback. While a platform may seem perfect to you, don’t assume everyone feels the same as you. Ask for feedback from a diverse set of employees who come from different perspectives. It also underlines your commitment and respect for employees and their voices.
  5. Speak to others who are using the software. Find out how other organizations similar to yours are using the tool you are considering. “Does it work? Are you seeing improvements?” Gaining insights, success stories and challenges from your peers is some of the most valuable and practical feedback you can get.
  6. Ensure that data and reporting are top-notch. If you can’t report on success, your software platform is just another shiny tool. Make sure that you know how the platform reports out data in a way that is useful to achieving success.
  7. Confirm that the vendor is focused as much on customer success as it is on gaining you as a new customer. Dedicated professional services and customer success managers are evidence that successful implementation is a top priority for the vendor. Understand how will they onboard you, provide ongoing support, and help you to report on success.

Choosing the right employee engagement platform differs from the way you might select other platforms because you’re not going to be the primary user; that role falls on your employees. Select a tool that meets their needs and expectations and involve them in the process so that you can ensure you get the right tool that they will actually engage with and be excited about. 

The WorkProud® Technology Platform provides an easy-to-use, engaging experience for employees to connect, communicate, and create a culture of ongoing recognition.  

Learn more about the WorkProud® Technology Platform. It may very well be exactly what your employees need.



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