WorkProud® | Proud of Your Work — Proud of Your Company


Proud of Your Work – Proud of Your Company®

Working to create an inspiring company culture that aligns the aspirations of your people with the purpose of your company.

Watch the video to learn how WorkProud will provide you with the expertise, technology, and change management services to strengthen company culture and build meaning in the workplace.

If you would like more information, please download a copy of the WorkProud Brochure and Deck, which provide information on how we can customize the Platform and our services to meet the unique needs of your company.
You can also view demos of the WorkProud desktop site and mobile app via the buttons below.

About WorkProud

Years Industry Experience
Client Programs
Client Retention Rate
Active Users
Consecutive Years on Inc. 5,000 Fastest Growing Companies
Customer Satisfaction

WordProud is a service of WHAPPS LLC

Founded in 2002, WHAPPS (web-hosted applications) provides the technology, services, and expertise behind many of the world’s best employee recognition programs. We collaborate with your HR team – bringing our knowledge, experience, and tools to design, develop, and create inspiring employee experiences that are aligned with your company’s mission and purpose.

The WorkProud Technology Platform

Seamless Access

Access the WorkProud Platform via Single Sign On from your existing employee portal or via the native mobile app.

Technology Integration

Native iOS / Android mobile apps. API (J-SON / SOAP) web services. Integration with core HRIS systems. Option for integration with related HRIS systems (e.g. on-boarding, performance, recruiting, training, talent management).

Security and Compliance

We will ensure compliance with your INFOSEC policies. WorkProud is SOC2, PCI and GDPR compliant.

Our Clients

BlueCross BlueShield
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