7 Tips for Selecting Employee Engagement & Recognition Software

7 Tips for Selecting Employee Engagement & Recognition Software

Company leaders often have a very different perspective from their employee base. They operate in different pockets and focus areas of an organization and have varying opinions and reactions to organizational changes. While leaders may be attracted to a software solution that they truly believe answers their work engagement and employee loyalty needs, their employees are able to point out pros and cons that might not be immediately obvious to leaders.

How to Select the Best Vendor to Increase Workplace Pride

How to Select the Best Vendor to Increase Workplace Pride

As an executive leader or procurement decision-maker, you are used to a playbook of requirements that guide you through the vendor selection process. And while that playbook is valuable and has served you well, it may not align with what you need to make a decision around employee loyalty and workplace pride for the simple reason that you are not the primary audience in this case: your employees are.

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