Hybrid Work: The Push to Get Workers Back to the Office, and Virtual Recognition | Webinar Replay

The workplace continues to be in flux although 86 percent of companies have indicated that they plan to continue with a Hybrid Work schedule going forward. What does this mean given the increasing push for companies to have all their employees return to working in the company’s central offices? How can you make the most of a Hybrid Work environment, so that all employees feel included, valued and recognized for their efforts and successes? These are some of the questions that these leading experts on the topic discussed along with questions submitted by all those that registered for this complimentary event.


WorkProud, which helps companies craft an inspired workplace culture through communication, recognition and rewards, presents a monthly webinar featuring experts on workplace issues from around the country. It’s always free, and there’s usually a great giveaway just for tuning in. Watch for details about upcoming sessions in our monthly newsletter. If you don’t already subscribe, sign up here.

At WorkProud, we leverage technology to:

  1. Increase the quantity & quality of recognition.
  2. Drive accountability to show leaders appreciation of its workforce.
  3. Measure recognition and its effects.



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