Keeping Employees Motivated and Engaged in the Hybrid Workplace

The Inspired Workplace - Keeping Employees Motivated and Engaged in the Hybrid Workplace

Even if there had not been a pandemic, says Dr. Bob Nelson, “The hybrid work environment was always coming. And then it came and now we’re in the aftermath.” The workplace expert said that while some companies are bringing employees back to the office, at least part of the time, many work situations have fundamentally changed.

Silicon Valley Star Falon Fatemi Shares AI Insights at WorkProud Webinar

The Inspired Workplace - Falon Fatemi

Fatemi is a Silicon Valley luminary and Google veteran who co-founded Fireside, an interactive Web3 streaming platform, with Mark Cuban. She was the guest on WorkProud CEO Michael Levy’s monthly webinar on September 26 to talk about AI – and in particular, its effect on human resources and maximizing workplace productivity.

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